This game was developed for GameDev.js 2022.

I have no idea, why it says I haven't uploaded it. EDIT: Fixed by end3r \o/

I had a baby at home during my parental leave. In consequence, not everything appears polished. You could say, it's still RAW :-)

About the game:

My inspiration came from the raw nature. I started a journal in the first week, which could give you more insights, if you want to read:

Supported controls: on-screen buttons, arrow keys and WASD (resp. the pendant for AZERTY keyboards at their position). Only left and right movements, though.

If you get stuck, refresh the page. No state is persisted. I noticed that on win / game-over screens.

You can load levels via IPFS. They appear in the dropdown afterwards.

Some characters for your nickname, or the ID / Title of a level get stripped for security reasons (I don't want to encourage XSS attacks).

I planned to add a level editor, but did not make it in time. However, if you look at the source code:

it should be doable to write something by hand, upload it on IPFS and insert its CID here.

Music volume can be turned to 0 in settings.

There is no collision check for the automovement that pushes you down the river. Sorry!

In case IPFS is not working, try the version deployed on my domain (attempted with

